Tuesday, 11 May 2010

From carrier bag to blast-proof office in a year

Sun's out and water's dripping off everything like the whole quarry just emerged from the sea. Unreal. The lake is clear as a bell, blanket weed and crazy creatures dancing down there in some strange world we hardly look at. On the cliffs there's new stuff growing and all kind of birds have moved in for 2010. Canada geese use the lakeshore as the panoramic toilet on the set of their nature movie and we have baby ducks on the pond. Baby somethings anyway.

A whole year just ripped past - terrifying, confusing, hilarious, funny, sad and beautiful. Never boring, always scary. New faces here, old faces a year wiser and stronger. Now, I work in an blast-proof office surrounded by invoices and emails. This time last year I lived in a caravan and kept the paperwork in a carrier bag. I'm not sure which one I like more. The grass is always greener......

I got hurt pretty bad in February and walk round carrying the pain like a monkey on my back - makes me a little ball of misery thinking I can hide it from everyone and it's busines as usual. Just starting treatment today at the sports injuries clinic- that's a joke: I'm so far from sports right now I'm not even in the stadium. Pain makes you stronger, right? Don't think so. Pain gets managed like a motor running hot or a slow puncture. Never turn your back on it.

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